Source “PR Newswire”
Author Kathy Gorgon
Date May 3rd, 1984 1LOS ANGELES, May 3/PRN – Hundreds of letters and telegrams from religious and
civic leaders, celebrities, and private citizens throughout tyhe country, expressing shock
and indignation at Boston lawyer Michael J. Flynn for pursuing a case which “weakens
the individual’s right to privacy and encourages vigilante acts of theft of valuable private
property,” have poured into the Church of Scientology in the last 48 hours, a Church
spokesman announced today.Church attorney John Peterson said the letters were an indication of “the massive and
instantaneous public response” to the Armstrong case, which seeks the release of
“priceless personal papers” of L. Ron Hubbard.“Americans have held as inviolable their right to privacy,” Peterson said, adding that the
Church’s legal offices have been “deluged” with letters of support in the case.Peterson revealed that the letters had come from scholars such as William Bainbridge,
sociology professor at Harvard University, celebrities such as Grammy Award winner
Chick Corea, a wide range of religious leaders, numerous business executives, and others
concerned with what he termed “our fundamental, constitutional right to privacy.”Peterson said that the case involves a claim against former church employee Gerald
Armstrong, “who illegally removed thousands of Mr. Hubbard’s priceless personal
documents from Church property while he was entrusted with their care.Contact – Kathy Gorgon of Dateline Communications at 213-662-9431 for the Church of
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