Source “PR Newswire”
Author Heber C. Jentzsch
Date December 21st, 19841LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21/PRN – Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lawrence
Waddington has granted a temporary restraining order against the release of thousands of
pages of the personal and private papers of best-selling author and founder of
Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, a spokesman for the Church of Scientology announced
today.The restraining order was granted as a result of a suit filed yesterday by individuals –
whose names were withheld due to reasons of confidentiality – who are named in the
documents and are asserting their own right to privacy and protesting the fact that
personal information about them had been released in violation of their First Amendment
rights.According to Howard Stechel, attorney of record for the action filed yesterday, “The
granting of this restraining order by the court is a major victory for all American citizens
who expect the court system to protect them from the dangers of being viciously
maligned by those with malicious or even criminal intentions.”The private papers of Hubbard have been the subject of a lawsuit for more than two
years, after former church archivist clerk Gerald Armstrong allegedly stole several
thousand pages of private archival material belonging to Hubbard, the church claims. The
Church of Scientology and Hubbard’s wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, sued Armstrong for the
return of the stolen documents.At a press conference today at the newly completed L. Ron Hubbard Gallery, Rev. Heber
Jentzsch, president of the Church of Scientology International, dealt directly with
Armstrong’s “theft” of the Hubbard documents and his failure to research and document
the actual facts of Hubbard’s life, which Jentzsch emphasized that church researchers
were easily able to document.“What Armstrong’s interest is in these stolen materials has yet to become totally clear,”
Jentzsch said. “We are confident, however, that in the final analysis, when discovery has
been completed, the facts will show that Armstrong has affiliated himself with the IRS. It
is hard to tell at this point who is using whom, but clearly they deserve each other.”Jentzsch provided a package of completed biographical research about Hubbard’s life to
those attending the press conference, comparing Armstrong’s “specious” interpretation of
isolated documents with what he claimed was the true story, as revealed in the completed
research materials.“Armstrong was incapable of even the simplest biographical research,” Jentzsch said.
“Yet he presented his twisted, malicious interpretation in a court of law as though it were
the truth.“Even in court, when Armstrong’s claims about Mr. Hubbard’s life were documented as
false,” Jentzsch continued, “he admitted that he merely ‘went through some books … but
that was it … I stand corrected.’”The biographical documents released to public view are only part of the thousands of
pages of records that comprise the personal archives of Hubbard, according to Jentzsch.
“Mr. Hubbard’s extensive personal records are the raw materials from which a biography
of monumental scope will one day be written,” Jentzsch said.“Here at the L. Ron Hubbard Gallery,” he added, “one sees only a small portion of the
results of the humanitarian works of Mr. Hubbard and a mere fraction of the many
recognitions which continue to pour in from around the world.Contact – Rev. Heber C. Jentzsch of the Church of Scientology at 213-662-9431.
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