Second in command of Scientology tells all, Part 11
Introduction by FACTNet
This is one part of a series of articles being released by Jesse Prince . Jesse Prince was second in command of all of Scientology. He has shown great courage and has put himself at considerable personal risk to tell the world about the real everyday criminal and immoral activities of Scientology.
FACTNet has helped Jessie through our Victim Assistance Fund because we knew how much publicizing this information would help others who were and are being victimized by Scientology’s criminal activities.
FACTNet now needs your immediate help to get Jesse’s articles distributed as widely as possible. FACTNet believes — and we think you will also believe, especially after reviewing Jesse’s series of articles — that there is a real growing danger to individuals involved with Scientology, particularly to staff members.
FACTNet believes that Scientology is at a dangerous pressure point as more information comes out revealing its actual activities. The world has learned horrible lessons when cults are trapped at pressure points from tragedies such as Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate, Waco, the Swiss Solar Temple, and Aum Shin Rikyo.
Because of Scientology’s current crisis state and the new revelations about its criminal activities, FACTNet is issuing a worldwide alert to all individuals who have friends of family in Scientology, particularly if they are on staff. Do everything you can to legally get them away from this group as fast as possible.
FACTNet recommends among other things getting Jesse Prince ‘s series of articles to everyone currently in Scientology. Once they have read them, even the most hardened Scientologists will have powerful doubts about how they have been deceived.
In addition to distributing these articles to Scientology’s current members, we also ask that you distribute them to media all over the world and to your local and national governments.
Only information can solve the problem dangerous criminal cults like Scientology present. If the Jesse Prince articles are widely circulated, we will help avert another horrific cult tragedy.
End of Introduction
Part I
October 2, 1998
By Jesse PrinceDuring September 1982, through spring of 1987, I attended biweekly meetings at Author Services, Inc. (ASI), which at the time was located in the 6700 block of Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA.
From late 1982 until the spring of 1983 I held an executive position in the Religious Technology Center (RTC) titled Inspector General Cramming Officer. During the spring of 1983 I was promoted to Inspector General External and Treasurer on the board of directors of the Religious Technology Center. There were two other board members; Vicki Aznaran, Inspector General and President, and Warren Mc Shane, executive over legal matters concerning RTC, was a member. David Micavage, Norman Starkey and Lyman Spurlock were the trustees of RTC. It was during this time that I learned the true nature of Scientology management and how it ran its affairs.
The meetings I attended at ASI were always called and run by David Miscavige. It was here that I learned that David Miscavige was a managing agent of the various Scientology corporations, including but not limited to ASI, RTC and Church of Scientology International (CSI). Each senior executive of RTC, CSI and ASI met once or twice a week to give a report concerning each of the above corporations. This in fact was the inner circle of Scientology’s elite and as a result of my position I was involved in and received communications concerning Scientology’s most secret operations.
During my time as an executive and senior executive in RTC, David Miscavige was the decision maker concerning all legal suits filed by any of Scientology’s corporations. Miscavige had complete authority concerning all litigation within Scientology, and he made the final decisions as to how each case would be litigated as well as which lawyers would be used in each and every case. Miscavige had two Scientology staff, Marty Rathbun and Lyman Spurlock, who assisted in Scientology litigation matters, but Miscavige always made the final decisions. CSI majorly operated on orders from LRH, which were called advices to avoid legal problems for himself and Scientology, since he supposedly had not managed any of the corporations of Scientology since 1966, when he had officially resigned as Executive Director.
ASI served as LRH’s literary agency, but it was really a clearing house for his orders into the various Scientology corporations and organizations, which included but was not limited to RTC, CSI, CSC, Flag Land Base, CST and the Office of Special Affairs (formerly the Guardian’s Office). Miscavige was the person responsible for ensuring the execution of LRH orders in these various corporations, until LRH’s death in 1986. ASI and some of its staff members exercised complete financial authority over other church entities. Fran Harris, a staff member of ASI, was responsible for the gross income of the organization.
ASI received its operating expenses from commissions it received for collection of royalties owed to LRH based on moneys collected from LRH book outlets. Some time ago, LRH wrote a policy letter entitled “Minimum Book Stocks” which in effect placed a minimum on the amount of books each Scientology org had to have. Bridge Publications is the organization responsible for enforcing the minimum book stocks policy.
More often than not, on orders from Miscavige to get the stats up, Fran Harris would bypass Bridge Publications and go direct to org finance personnel and demand that the orgs buy books from BPI so that ASI would get its weekly commissions. Fran enforced her demands by using lower conditions, ethics hearings, comm evs and just plain intimidation to make the nonprofit scientology orgs pay money to BPI, often before the org had even had a chance to feed and clothe its staff. BPI never saw much of this money itself, as it was considered that BPI owed a debt to ASI going back to before ASI was ever incorporated. This action, which went on every week, was a known criminal act by all concerned, as not only did it violate Scientology’s own policy of corporate integrity, it also violated the laws of the land.
ASI is a for-profit corporation and paid its staff minimum wage plus a bonus based on royalties collected. Every week ASI had to get more and more money in order to keep its stats up to receive bonuses. ASI staff were in fact Sea Org members that were paid very well when you consider the average Sea Org member was paid $24.00 per week. It was considered a privilege to be on staff at ASI and the staff were encouraged not to discuss with other Sea Org members what they were paid weekly in order not to create a rift among Sea Org members.
In 1984 David Miscavige received word there was an IRS criminal investigation pending with the threat of a raid in Los Angeles. Fran Harris was flown out of the country and sent to Copenhagen, Denmark, to avoid possible interrogation by IRS officials. This was just the beginning of the “clean up” most senior executives executed within various Scientology corporations. One morning I awoke to find my senior, Vicki Aznaran, her husband Rick Aznaran, who was head of all security for Scientology, and Foster Tompkins, executive over INCOMM, removing evidence from hard disk drives that proved LRH was in fact the managing agent of Scientology as well as other sensitive information. Vicki and the others had been up most of the night purging computer files and creating back-up disks to be stored at confidential storage sights.
At this time I was ordered to verify that other corporations had purged their files of LRH “advices.” The corporations concerned were RTC, CSI and CSC. I did in fact verify that no evidence of LRH advices existed. This was accomplished by gathering up all hard copy advices and getting them mulched at a paper treatment plant located near Riverside, CA. Back-up copies of these advices were placed in secret unknown storage facilities by head of security, Rick Aznaran. The only people who knew these locations were Rick, the security chief, whose name was Jackson, DM and Norman Starkey.
From 1982 through 1986, LRH would use a dictaphone to dictate his orders to the various Scientology corporations. The tapes from the dictation would be delivered by LRH’s top aides Pat or Annie Broeker to the Scientology location at Gilman Hot Springs. At this location a special unit, headed by a staff member named Susie Bennick, would transcribe the tapes and issue hard copy dispatches to various executives and staff of ASI, RTC, CSI, CST and CSC. Often, these dispatches had certain time deadlines for compliance as mandated by LRH. I’ve seen as many as 150 orders dictated by LRH in one run. Often the staff who had orders issued to them were not allowed to sleep until they complied to the LRH order issued to them. David Miscavige oversaw the transcribing operation and enforced compliance to LRH orders by staff in all Scientology corporations.
Scientology Legal Procedures
During my tenure as an executive and senior executive in RTC, I was taught how to aggressively go about destroying an enemy or critic of Scientology. Enemies and critics of Scientology are considered to be suppressive persons or groups. In Scientology the suppressive element is basically dealt with in the same way: investigation, black operations, black propaganda and frivolous litigation. Scientology believes anyone labeled a suppressive is “fair game” and can be cheated, tricked, lied to and even physically harmed in order to “save” Scientology as mandated in policy by L Ron Hubbard. The following are specific instances I have either been a party to or observed being done to persons labeled “suppressive.”
David Mayo
David Mayo was once one of the top senior executives in Scientology. He worked directly with LRH on technical policies, he was LRH’s auditor, and even authored the “Ned for OTs” series when it was first issued. By the time I arrived in September 1982 at the secret management base located in Hemet, CA, David Mayo had fallen from grace. Upon my promotion to this secret location, the first duty I had was to security check (interrogate) Mayo endlessly. LRH had the idea that Mayo had been bought off by Scientology mission holders and was either a dupe or a plant. At this time Scientology was once again getting rid of its criminals. The executives of all management organizations had been removed and brought to Hemet to receive severe Scientology justice and ethics. Mayo was part of a group of 11 management executives being given a comm eve that went on for 3 months. Nearly all 11were eventually labeled suppressive persons and left Scientology.
Once David Mayo was off staff he decided to start his own church, the Advanced Ability Center (AAC), that was an alternative to Scientology and used many of the same techniques used by LRH. At this point David became the target for “fair game.” DM became infuriated and ordered Mayo’s new group to be destroyed using all means possible. Bob Mithoff, brother of Senior C/S Int Ray Mithoff, was placed by RTC in David Mayo’s new church as a plant to obtain financial and critical legal information to forward a planned attack on his group. Week after week Bob Mithoff provided financial information to RTC concerning Mayo’s new group. The fact of the matter is Mayo had drawn a good amount of people who were ex-Scientologists to his new church and was making $20,000 to $30,000 gross income every week. This was better than most Scientology Class 4 organizations. Mithoff stole a copy of the AAC’s mailing list and provided it to RTC. Within four months of its inception, AAC had a standard newsletter it mailed to its adherents.
With the stolen mailing list RTC operative Gary Klinger designed a similar newsletter that contained disparaging information concerning AAC to the same mailing list. This list was used by RTC to contact members of the AAC for the purpose of harassment and intimidation.
Mithoff also stole a copy of the NOTs materials that David Mayo had rewritten, and he provided it to RTC. At one point before her “suicide” Flo Barnett, David Miscavige’s mother-in-law, became a member of the AAC. More black operatives were sent into the AAC by RTC. Black operations included renting the office above Mayo’s AAC to electronically bug him. At one point private investigator Gene Ingram was hired to pose as an investigative reporter and Mayo was duped into believing he was participating in a TV program to promote his new group. Through Mithoff, it was learned that David Mayo planned to travel abroad to Europe. Through investigator Gene Igram, it was arranged to have Mayo stopped at customs as a suspected drug dealer, which did happen, and he was detained for hours based on false information by European customs officials. Gene Ingram received his instructions on these matters from Gary Klinger, an executive in RTC.
Ingram’s fee was paid by CSI through the office of John Peterson, who was retained as in-house counsel by CSC. As a note, John Peterson was not fully aware of why his office paid private investigator expenses to Bob Mithoff.
Prior to Mayo writing his own version of the NOTs materials it was learned through Mithoff that several other ex-Scientologists had copied and were planning to use Scientology HCO P/Ls and HCOBs. A former mission holder, Sarge Gerbode, had an ongoing project to copy via computer all HCOPLs and HCOBs and sell them to Mayo or trade them for Scientology OT materials. Through Mithoff we learned that Mayo and Gerbode had come to an agreement and Mayo’s new group was in fact more computerized than most Scientology facilities.
As part of the weekly ASI meetings, Vicki and I were confronted by David Miscavige concerning what we planned to do to put an end to Mayo and the AAC. The first option we suggested was to bring a copyright suit against the AAC. David Miscavige called in LRH Personal Secretary Pat Brice to get a briefing on the status of current church copyright filings. He was sorely disappointed when he found out that no one in the entirety of Scientology was responsible for copyright filings since the Guardian’s Office had been reorganized by him. He decided at that time to give Pat a project to file for copyright protection ofall Scientology bulletins and policies. This is the reason most Scientology copyright filings have a date starting in 1983 forward. The best option for the church to sue Mayo was through trade secrets and trademarks. Then-RTC lawyer Joe Yanny recommended a RICO complaint be drawn up, as evidence existed that David Mayo had formed agreements with other Scientology dissidents to exchange Scientology materials to strengthen the alternative movement which David Mayo was the leader of.
While all of this was going on Mayo and the AAC were successful in getting a Temporary Restraining Order against RTC and CSI because of the constant harassment and plants sent in. The specific incident which resulted in the TRO was in fact when Gary Klinger posed as a Jewish rabbi and went to a barbecue the AAC had one weekend and created havoc at the party. There is no difference between the black operations executed by the “Old GO” and the then new RTC. Because of the very nature of Scientology it will never change. L Ron Hubbard himself issued the marching orders for Scientology to become a criminal organization and people are trained to lie from the moment they walk in the door and take a Scientology course.
Almost immediately a person is taught how to use “ethics” to control another. Example: Hubbard Policy Letter 29 April, 1965 titled “Ethics Review” instructs a person how to effectively harass and attack another, a few quotes from the above mentioned P/L:
“Levels of Ethics Actions”
“Ethics actions in degree of severity are as follows:
- “Noticing something non-optimum without mentioning it but only inspecting it silently.”
- “Noticing something non-optimum and commenting on it to the person.”
- “Requesting information by ethics personnel.”
- “Requesting information and inferring there is a disciplinary potential in the situation.”
- “Talking to somebody about another derogatorily.”
- “Talking to the person derogatorily.”
The list get worse and worse. L Ron Hubbard was mentally ill for at least 4 years before he died that I know of through direct experience and association. When Gerry Armstrong , Omar Garrison, Vaughn Young and Stacy Young all at one time or another tried to write a biography of L Ron Hubbard based on his own records the records clearly showed he was mentally disturbed much earlier as well. As can be seen from the above-quoted HCOPL, a NAZI like dedication to the “group” is required which in fact turn people against one another in a spy-like fashion. In Scientology, people are dehumanized and in fact become members of a human ant family – you are only as good as you produce for the group. The concept of self is surrendered to the false idea that “Scientology” is much more important than individual life.
In the case of the RICO suit filed by RTC and CSI against the AAC, another type of Scientology “ethics” was applied. L Ron Hubbard believed certain words and catch phrases used together in a writing could have a psychological effect on the reader. The words and phrases are part of a confidential course called “R6 End Words” or “R6EW.” Hubbard ordered his “magic words” to be sewn into each and every legal motion and complaint submitted to any court. Hubbard said by doing this a judge would subconsciously become antagonistic to anyone trying to fight Scientology with the current justice system.
It is not necessary to be a brain surgeon to see this as pretty crazy, but because its so stupid the point can be lost. Hubbard thought he was superior to his culture and sought to make a mockery of the way everyday people live. In late 1952 Hubbard thought he had discovered something so powerful with Dianetics that he had to protect us all from his own invention. He wrote a journal called “Black Dianetics.” Here is how it starts: “Death, insanity, aberration, or merely a slavish obedience can be efficiently effected by the use of Black Dianetics. Further, adequate laws do not exist at this time to bar the use of these techniques. The law provides that only the individual so wronged can make complaint or swear out a warrant for offenders using these techniques.”
Well, now you know why there is an organization of people that have ruined lives and are a slave to the idea they are “saving the world.” Of course, the organization I am talking about is Scientology’s “Sea Org.” Sorry for digressing so about this — back to Mayo.
The RICO suit was filed against the AAC and black operations against it by RTC were at an all time high. There was a preliminary injunction hearing in the RICO case. The day before the hearing I was drilled by Earle Cooley and other church lawyers as to what I would say because I was an expert witness in this case. The fact of the matter is that I was drilled all day, all that night and up until the time I arrived in the courtroom as to what I would say as a witness. It’s funny how Sandy Rosen, Scientology’s replacement for Earle Cooley, asked me in my deposition in the FACTNet case in Denver several weeks ago if I had been coached at all by my lawyer before the deposition. He knows he works for criminals and that they are the ones who commit the crimes of which they accuse others.
RTC won its injunction against AAC, and Mayo was effectively shut down at that point.
It is shameful to have been a part of Scientology. I am grateful to be free of it physically and mentally. I promise to work just as hard exposing Scientology for what it is.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jesse Prince
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