Dear Mark:
As you well know, I have beseeched you fairly determinedly for several years to step up and tell what you know from your time in the Sea Org about fair gaming me, and people close to me, particularly Michael Flynn. Where your actions and information are extremely important is in the matter of what was done that violated public policy to obtain Scientology’s IRS tax exemption. This undeserved exemption has allowed the Scientologists to further violate public policy, and good people’s rights, with virtual impunity.
As you know, I have shown over and over that your failure to tell the truth about fair game actions against me and others and the false statements in the submissions to the IRS serves David Miscavige’s antisocial purposes, to the detriment of good people everywhere. If you are for real, and not a covert agent for Miscavige, which is not beyond the Scientologists’ desires or capability, then your failure to tell the truth about fair gaming me and others and about the IRS deal is also to your detriment, and your wife’s detriment.
Alex Gibney has taken up the call to get the IRS to revoke the Scientologists’ undeserved tax exemption, and I am grateful for what he is doing. He did not, however, really address the public policy violations, in which you participated to get the tax exemption, and I wrote to him, as you also know, to urge you to address and tell the truth about this issue. I have now posted that letter:
I have read the attacks on Gibney, on his Going Clear documentary, and on his sources, by the Scientologists and Scientology’s lawyers — Monique Yingling, Eric Lieberman and William Walsh – all of whom participated in the public policy violations that netted the undeserved 1993 tax exemption.
Eerily reminiscent of your years of black PR on me, that in the SO I was but a clerk and drove a car, Yingling writes about you in her February 27, 2015 letter to HBO’s attorney Jay Ward Brown:
Gibney’s crediting his sleazy source, Marty Rathbun, with a major role in the negotiations with the IRS is misplaced: I personally attended every one of the dozens of meetings; Rathbun was little more than a bag carrier, and a poor one at that.
In your interview in 2009 with the Tampa Bay Times, you said that you were tasked with implementing strategies to try to overwhelm the IRS and “very much involved in coordinating and coming up with strategies and then executing a lot of that between the late ’80s and the early ’90s” to obtain tax exemption. You said that you and primarily Miscavige “were literally commuting to Washington D.C. almost every week,” you would “see the IRS, present the answers to [the IRS’s] set of questions, get another set of questions, go back to L.A., get the information together [ ] for two years.”
In Going Clear, you say about the actions to obtain the tax exemption:
Being Miscavige’s right hand man, I was in charge of all those efforts. We were not only suing them in every possible jurisdiction there was. We were investigating the IRS for crimes generally, or things that would offend the public.
I am accepting that your duties and actions were not just being Yingling or Miscavige’s bag carrier, and that she is lying. I know she lies about other things concerning the 1993 IRS, and I assume that, although she does not use my name, she is lying about me when she writes in the same February 27 letter:
An IRS criminal agent was caught on tape conspiring with apostate Scientologists to use the powers of the IRS to help them plant false documents in the Church to overthrow legitimate Church management.
You are very familiar with such lies and black PR about me, because for years you manufactured and disseminated them and made others disseminate them. You included similar or slightly differently twisted black PR and lies about me in the answers to the IRS’s questions that you carried to Washington on your weekly trips from LA.
For more than twenty years while inside the cult, you hated me and sought to destroy me. You made others hate and seek to destroy me, and spent millions of dollars of Scientologists’ money on attorneys, PIs and programs to destroy me. You did all this evil for no legitimate reason. You invented reasons, and made others accept your reasons. Clearly you carried that hatred and desire to destroy me with you when you supposedly left the cult. You carried that hatred and evil purpose into your Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior, and past the point when you claimed you had jettisoned your allegiance to L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology.
You can go right on hating me as irrationally and baselessly as you want, and I can do nothing about it. Obviously you hate my appeals to your reason, humanity or conscience. But your refusal to tell the truth about fair gaming me and others, and your refusal to tell the truth about the crimes you committed and the lies you told to obtain undeserved tax exemption for the Scientology cult prejudices and hurts many people beyond me. A reading of the attacks on Gibney by the Scientologists and their attorneys shows that you are prejudicing and hurting him as well, if he is for real.
Suing the IRS, even 2400 lawsuits, is not unlawful. Investigating the IRS for their crimes is not unlawful. Even vilifying or black PRing IRS agents is not unlawful. But framing Michael Flynn was unlawful, and framing me was unlawful. Lying in your submissions to the IRS was unlawful. The IRS’s requiring these lies, which IRS and DOJ officials knew were lies, in your submissions to justify granting tax exemption to have the lawsuits end and to have the Scientologists’ investigating and vilifying of US officials end, was unlawful. It was also cowardly and disgraceful. Actual crimes against wogs and against society are what you have not talked about, which is also cowardly and disgraceful.
Accepting the possibility that you are not simply executing Miscavige’s orders or command intention, and it is a psychological issue that prevents you from correcting the evils you perpetrated against me and others, which you could correct by communicating with me and telling the truth, consider taking to heart this message about true contrition by George Simon, PhD. you know, I have defended myself over the years by telling the truth, including telling it publicly. In fact, my telling the truth is the real reason you and your fellow Scientologists have hated me and sought to destroy me for decades. People telling the truth, of course, is an illegitimate reason for hating and destroying them. People telling the truth motivates criminals to hate and seek to destroy them. Telling the truth is what defines a Suppressive Person to Scientologists.
I will hold off on posting this publicly for the moment to give you another golden opportunity — to do what Simon says, not shed a tear, not mouth words, but make amends, repair the damage inflicted on the lives of others, initiate a plan of action to accomplish these ends, start to do things differently.1 Maybe your prideful ego will be literally crushed and torn asunder by the weight of your guilt and shame. So be it. That’s a blessing from God that not every irresponsible person accepts, or even understands. You owe it to everyone, including yourself.
Gerry Armstrong
- Letter sent to Mark Rathbun by e-mail on June 8, 2015; posted to on 18 June 2015. ↩