- Mitra Hall
- GA Letter to FBI (August 13, 1986)
- Declaration of Gerald Armstrong (August 12, 1986)
- Letter from Roger Geller to FBI (November 6, 1985)
- FBI: Investigation of Gerald D. Armstrong (November 4, 1985)
- Letter from Roger Geller to FBI (November 1, 1985)
- Letter from John G. Peterson to LA DA (October 24, 1985)
- Declaration of Gerry Armstrong (October 23, 1985)
- Letter from Roger Geller to FBI SA Tim Leonard (October 22, 1985)
- FBI Complaint: Scientology’s Complaint against Gerry Armstrong (“Impersonation”) (October 17, 1985)
- Complaint: Transcript of Mitra Hall Complaint to FBI Re Gerry Armstrong (October 17, 1985)
- Affidavit of Mitra Hall (October 17, 1985)
GA Letter to FBI (August 13, 1986)
Law Offices
MICHAEL A. TABBAugust 13, 1986 Federal Bureau of Investigation
John F. Kennedy Building
Government Center
Boston, MA 02203Re: Gerald Armstrong
Your file no. 47-4569Dear Sir/Madam:
Enclosed please find a copy of a declaration I wrote regarding my contact with an individual named Mitra Hall who had in October 1985 filed a false complaint against me with the Boston FBI.1
I am aware that Assistant US Attorney Victor Wild, to whom the matter was referred at the time, stated that he would decline prosecution. Nevertheless, I wish to ensure that your file is complete, so I am forwarding this declaration.
Very truly yours, [Signed] G. Armstrong
Gerald ArmstrongGA/
- See Declaration of Gerald Armstrong (August 12, 1986) ↩
Declaration of Gerald Armstrong (August 12, 1986)
I, Gerald Armstrong, declare as follows:
1. On July 31 and August 1, 1986 my deposition was taken by attorney Eric Blumenson in the case of Michael Flynn v. Church of Scientology, et al., No. CV 85-4853-R(Mcx). During his questioning of me, Mr. Blumenson revealed that the individual who had filed the complaint against me with the FBI in Boston in October 1985 was a woman named Mitra Hall. Prior to that time I had never heard of Ms. Hall.
2. This morning I had business which brought me at approximately 10:00 a.m. to the MBTA Green Line Auditorium stop on Massachusetts Avenue in Boston. As I was about to enter the station to take the train to work, I was approached by a woman who asked me if I would like to take a “free personality test.” The woman was approximately 30 years old, about five feet four inches in height, dark haired, light brown skinned, and big-chested. She carried in her hand a bunch of cards with the words “personality test’ printed on them. Recalling that the complaint filed against me with the FBI had alleged that I had identified myself as an FBI agent to an individual handing out personality test cards at this same location, I asked the woman her name. She said, “Mitra Hall.”
3. I then asked Ms. Hall if she knew who I was. She said, “No.” I asked her if she had ever seen me before. She said, “No.” I asked her a number of times and in different ways if she was absolutely sure she had never seen me before. She said, “No” to each question. It was clear that Ms. Hall had never seen me before. And I had never seen her before, and had never been to the Auditorium stop nor that part of Boston at any time before today.
4. I identified myself to Ms. Hall then questioned her about the incident which had allegedly occurred last October. She told me that she had been shown several photographs of me by someone, whom she would not name, in the legal department of the Boston Scientology organization, and had identified me as a result of being shown the photos. She stated that she had been accompanied by Scientology attorney Roger Geller when she went to the FBI to file the complaint.
5. I told Ms. Hall that she had filed a false complaint against me, and she stated she was justified “because (I was) trying to destroy (her) church.” She reiterated this charge, and the charge that my attorney Michael Flynn was trying to destroy her church, several times. It was clear from Ms. Hall’s failure to recognize me and from what she said that her complaint against me was false, but that she considered her action in filing the false complaint laudable because I was Scientology’s “enemy.” Following our conversation, which lasted about three minutes, I entered the train station and traveled to my workplace.
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the Laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 12th day of August, 1986 at Boston,
[Signed] Gerald Armstrong
Gerald Armstrong
Letter from Roger Geller to FBI (November 6, 1985)
Geller & Weinberg
Eighty Boylston Street Suite 910
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
(617)482-5200November 6, 1985
Tim Leonard, Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
JFK Federal Building
Government Center
Boston, MA 02203Re: Gerald Armstrong
Dear Mr. Leonard:
When you called my office on October 21, 1985 concerning the complaint of Mitra Hall about Gerald Armstrong you indicated to me that you would advise me after you had spoken to Mr. Armstrong.
It has now been more than two weeks since our call. Have you contacted Mr. Armstrong? Did he admit to his violation of the Federal statute? Was he told of the criminal consequences of his actions? Will he be prosecuted?
I look forward to your response to these questions.
Roger GellerRG/clm
FBI: Investigation of Gerald D. Armstrong (November 4, 1985)
FD-302 (Rev. 3-10-82)
Date of transcription 11/4/85
GERALD D. ARMSTRONG, Paralegal at FLYNN & JOYCE Law Offices, 400 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, telephone (617) 350-7200, was interviewed. ARMSTRONG was advised as to the official identity of the interviewing Agent, the nature of the interview, and subsequently provided infor-
mation as follows:ARMSTRONG stated he recently arrived in the United States as a resident in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 5, 1985. He advised that prior to that he had resided in Vancouver, British Columbia, for a number of years.
He stated that he became a member of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY (COS) in early 1969 and remained an active member until the year 1981. He further advised that during this period he did extensive travelling while a member of the “C” organization within the church.
He stated that he has never identified himself to anyone as a Special Agent for the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI), nor has he identified himself as a Federal official to anyone since he has resided within the City of Boston. He stated he has had no contact with anyone from the COS since he arrived in Boston. However, he advised that approximately two weeks ago he accompanied Mr. FLYNN to an oral proceeding which took place at the Federal Courthouse, Boston, where there were a group of protesters that appeared to be representatives of the COS in the lobby. He advised he did not have any contact with the representatives of the Church that day. He further advised that no representative of the COS has approached him on the street since he has arrived in Boston.
ARMSTRONG stated that in the year 1981 the COS brought suit against him concerning papers that were found pertaining to L. RON HUBBARD, Founder of the COS, while he was in charge of HUBBARD’s holdings. He advised that after finding these papers he worked up a biography of HUBBARD. ARMSTRONG stated he left the COS on December 12, 1981. He further stated that he filed a countersuit against the COS,
Investigation on 10/23/85 at Boston, Massachusetts File # Boston 47-4569-3
by SA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [handwritten: j2b7c] Date dictated 10/29/85
FILED XXXXXX [handwritten: j2 b7c]
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.
FD-302a (Rev. 11-15-83)
BS 47-4569
Continuation of FD-302 of GERALD D. ARMSTRONG, On 10/23/85, Page 2
which went to trial from April to June, 1984. He advised that the trial ended on June 20, 1984 with a significant decision in his favor.
When asked again, ARMSTRONG stated that he has never represented himself as an employee of the FBI to anyone at any time.
Background information was obtained through observation and interview as follows:
Full name: GERALD DAVID ARMSTRONG Date of Birth: October 18, 1946 Place of Birth: Chilliwack, British Columbia,
CanadaCitizenship: Canadian citizen Social Security Account No. 265-81-2049 Present Residence: 92 Draper Street,
Dorchester, MassachusettsHome Telephone Number: (617) 825-3203 Temporary Massachusetts
License Number:1056608 Height: 5 feet 8 inches Weight: 140 pounds Eyes: Green Hair: Brown
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